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Science and Research of PEMF Therapy Magnetic field therapy Doctor’s compendium

Magnetic field therapy has had a past history that is very different from almost every other therapy. 1000 years ago, people in the Middle Ages knew about this natural occurrence as the magnet-iron stone therapy. However, Anton Messmer’s book “Healing Magnetism” gave it a bad name for a long time. Messmer was wrong when he said that hypnosis is like a “magnetic force” that anyone can use.

It wasn’t until the mid-1970s that pulsing magnetic field therapy finally became popular in human health. This was after magnetic fields worked very well in American horse racing industry.

At the moment, magnetic field therapy is one of the most studied methods in the world. This is a bit of a surprise, since most therapists use but still don’t fully understand how magnetic fields work. Almost all “books” and “brochures” are based on notes made during therapy.

A scary fact is that people don’t know how strong magnetic fields need to be, among other things. Some therapists swear by field strengths around 50 µT, which is the same as the Earth’s magnetic field. Others use levels, an unbelievable 1.5 to 2.5 Tesla. Some minimalists don’t see any special benefits when they use nano and pico Tesla powers. It doesn’t seem to bother anyone that the field values are 1 billion times differental.

There are strong signs that frequency levels below 200 Hz are the only ones that can actually help with healing. In spite of this, the frequency range is much wider because everyone is trying to find specific cell resonance frequencies. In turn, this seems to be a problem because there has never been good information on cell resonance.

Along with giving out useful basic information, this blog’s goal is to clear up any misunderstandings or wrong information that people may already have. In order to do this, a lot of the controlled studies that can be found in medical sources like Medline and Embase have been looked at and judged. When we use the word “controlled” in this case, we mean “double-blind, randomized, and if necessary prospective.”

Magnetic field therapy can now be called a scientifically proven and sound method after a review and analysis of its molecular and biochemical effects.

I. The basic rules

To understand how magnetic fields work, you need to know what some important, repeating terms mean. A magnetic field is made up of four main parts: field strength, frequency, impulse form, and the ability to create resonance. Additionally, these parts must be similar to an especially good way to get into the human body’s biological window to get healing benefits

In an ideal world, new knowledge from probability calculationing formulas would be used to find a biological window for magnetic field therapy. “Stochastic resonance” is another name for this process. Some fields, like astronomy, use this method a lot these days.

So, it is true that a butterfly flapping its wings can release enough air to start a storm. Let’s use this idea to explain magnetic field therapy: If the magnetic field strengths we use in PEMF therapy are pretty close to those in the biological window, then a stochastic effect is created.

If you use magnetic field therapy, you should also add what are called Schumann frequencies. These are natural frequencies from the Earth’s atmosphere. Periodic and natural lowering of these particles in the atmosphere is bad for living things, but we’ll talk more about that later.

Learning about the Earth’s magnetic field, which all living things are affected by, is almost as important. There are bad effects when this field gets weaker.

1. Flow rate and field power

Field strength, which is measured in amps per meter, is a number that describes a magnetic field based on the flow of current and its direction. This is not enough though to explain a magnetic field. It is necessary to multiply the material qualities of the flow of current. The strength of the magnetic field that is created is called flow density, and its measure is Tesla (T).

What makes up the material are the coil length (in meters), the number of turns, and the current power (in Amperes). It’s not too hard to figure out the flow density of a magnetic field once you know the so-called induction constant and the specific resistance of the material.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other diagnostic detection tools are the only ones that can really use field strengths in the Tesla range (1.5 to 3 T). Here is the list of units:

1 T = 1 000 mT (milli-Tesla)
1 mT = 1 000 µT (micro-Tesla)
1 µT = 1 000 nT (nano-Tesla)
1 nT = 1 000 pt (pico-Tesla)

By the way, the term “Gauß unit” is out of date. In the Anglo-Saxon area, this measure is still used, though. The change is shown below: 100 µT = 1 Gauß

If you’ve already heard of it, the new method of transcranial magnetic stimulation, which uses levels of 1.5 to 2.5 T and works very well to treat depression, is not a lot like magnetic field therapy. Because it has a strong field, it makes a second electrical field that “sets off” some nerve cells. Modern magnetic field therapy tools should ideally use field levels that are a lot weaker. Low field strengths (˵T) are the only ones that can be used to access an organism’s so-called “biological windows.” In the right parts, you can find more information on these topics

2. Frequency

In simple terms, frequency is the number of oscillations per second and is used to move the field strength. In other words, more energy is given when the frequency is greater. However, not only is this sentence true, but so is the following: There is less benefits and resonating to the cell when the frequency is high. Especially for “unnatural” bands in the KHz and MHz range, like those used by mobile phones and other electronics. The newest pulse electromagnetic field therapy machines work best in the very low frequency range (below 50 µT), which is similar to how body cells oscillate

3. Wave form impulse

A sinus wave is the form that most people think of when they think of a frequency wave. A sinus wave is always the same, but the electrical surge can change it into completely different shapes. For the signal to work, the shape of the magnetic force is very important. Think about a wave in the ocean: A sine wave, which is an even, round wave, tends to fade away without providing any force, but a wave that is almost vertical can send all of its energy.

When rectangular impulses move, for example, they have steep phases going up and down, which makes them very powerful. Sinus waves, on the other hand, use harmonic motion in the range of even numbers.

As with higher harmonics in music, harmonic oscillations are frequencies that grow as a multiple of the basic oscillation. For instance, rectangular impulses with a basic rhythm of 1 Hertz can make higher harmonics of 3, 5, and 7 Hertz at the same time, and so on. From the first upper harmonic to the second upper harmonic, the basic motion has the same amount of power and fundamental oscillation.

Also, some writers think it’s necessary to make the impulse’s shape match a natural action potential, like that of a nerve. This is not reasonable and is also wrong.

An action potential is when a cell, like a muscle cell, loses its charge. This is the cell’s response to a signal. Because of this, some channels in the cell membrane get opened, which quickly balances out the ions on the outside and inside. What you can see on a graph is that the curve rapidly rises the descends less of an angel.

Because of this, modern PEMF systems prefer rectangular impulses or, even better, so-called sawtooth impulses, which work even better than sinewaves. And just so you know, sawtooth waves are a mix of triangular and rectangular waves. Upper harmonics work best with sawtooth waves in both even and uneven ranges. For example, the first upper harmonic is equal to twice the fundamental frequency, the second upper harmonic is equal to three times the fundamental frequency, and so on.

4. Resonance

This is the idea behind using the exact rhythms that a cell in the body or the whole organism “oscillates” on its own. It makes sense that the original basic vibration would be boosted. When you want to help your child on a swing, you should do it at the same time and in the same direction as the pendulum, not the other direction.

5. Stochastic Resonance

Finding the best levels and frequencies has become much easier thanks to what we’ve learned from stochastics (chance calculations). If the many biological processes or bits of information that are going through our bodies could be heard, it would sound like “white noise” on the radio when we are trying to find a station. This “white noise” is made up of energy with many different frequencies

Stochastic resonance means that random weak energies can make weak signals stronger. A pebble in an egg box is the best way to explain this effect. The pebble can’t get past the barrier to the next hole even if it is gently moved by a weak rotating force. While moving, if there is also a random shaking, the pebble can sometimes get past the obstacle and into the next hole with that random “kick.”

For this reason, a very weak magnetic field input will first lead to chaos. The energy currents, or “white noise,” are all over the place. Though, this way, by chance, certain frequencies are made that are the same as the biological window, which means that the living thing has a sensor for them

The receptors of the human body cells can only react when these sensors are excited.
There are no sensors for wrong frequencies, which means frequencies that are not in the cellular window

But if we use a strong magnetic field input, this noise is blocked out. That is, we can’t make any new frequencies that might be the same as the ones in the biological window

In conclusion, pulse electromagnetic field resonance is used to cover an unknown cell resonance with the help of some weak magnetic fields.

6. The living room

This refers to a range of frequencies or levels that the tissue is most open to receiving. Magnetic fields can easily move through the body without any impedance. If the magnetic field signals hit the body at a certain frequency, they may match the way cells and internal systems naturally move back and forth. There is a feedback effect that happens when natural messages that are important for metabolism, blood, cell regrowth, and the immune system and circulation.

The ideas of the Californian neurosurgeon William Ross Adey are what the phrase “biological window” refers to. In the 1970s, he used the calcium output of rabbit brain cells to show that this effect could only happen at very low magnetic field strengths and a certain low frequency (16 Hz in this case).

These days, “modern” magnetic field therapy tools use stochastic resonance to get as close to or even find this biological window as they can.

7. The Earths Magnetic Field Schumann Waves

From space, it looks like the Earth is always in the middle of a storm. When lightning strikes in the tropics, the frequency of the flash is sent to our latitudes at the speed of light

At the start of the 1950s, scientist W.O. Schumann found that the Earth’s surface and upper atmosphere (ionosphere) work together to make a circular capacitor. A basic frequency of 7.83 Hz is created by the hundreds of lightning strikes that happen somewhere in the world every second. The Earth can resonate at this frequency. Even so, high harmonics are made from these waves all the way up to the KHz range.

8. Pulsing and static magnetic fields

It is known that magnets can pull iron toward them. Its poles are places where forces are especially strong. The area where the magnetic forces work is the magnetic field itself. The magnetic force or field lines show the direction of the magnetic force. They are what you might call “thought lines.” For example, in magnetic coils, the field strength can be raised by adding more rings or loops to the coil

Like, a bar magnet makes a normal static field. “Moving charges” can be affected by static magnetic fields. If the flow density is very high, it is also possible to move a charge across the cell membrane. The word for this is called “induction”. Induction is the moving current inside the magnetic field.

The regular turning on and off of a current is all it takes to make a pulsating magnetic field. Pulsating magnetic fields can also change resting charges, but they need to be weaker than static fields.

For example, the movement of ions inside the body creates an electric current. Ions can be moved by a steady field as long as they move into or out of the cell. If there is no movement, no health benefit.

For this reason, early therapists quickly moved the magnet iron stone along the patient’s body. This stone creates a static magnetic field. As a side note, the Earth’s magnetic field from being static to pulsing is effective, even if it’s not very strong.

9. The magnetic field of the Earth

At the start of the 1950s, scientist W.O. Schumann found that the Earth’s surface and upper atmosphere (ionosphere) work together to make a circular capacitor. A basic frequency of 7.83 Hz is mirrored by the hundreds of lightning strikes that happen somewhere in the world every second.

The Earth can resonate at this frequency, which means that these waves are very stable. Even so, high harmonics are made from these waves all the way up to the KHz range. The Earth’s magnetic field has an effect on all of us. At a depth of about 2,9000 km, this field is made by the movements of the Earth’s liquid outer core, which works like a self-generator

We can think of Earth as a huge magnet that pulls compass points all over the world into line with its field lines. The North and South magnetic poles both push on each other. This goes down as the distance grows. This is the reason why the field strength is about 70 µT at the north and south poles, 35 µT at the equator, and 50 µT at our latitudes.

Three thousand years ago, the Earth’s magnetic field was a strong 200 µT. These days, it’s only 50 µT. We think the field strength estimation was still 100 µT a thousand years ago. These signs show that there will be a natural pole shift in the next 1,000 to 2,000 years

Over the course of Earth’s past, the poles have turned around about once every 200,000 to 500,000 years. It was 780,000 years ago and lasted 5,000 years that the poles switched places.

All animals seem to use the magnetic fields that are naturally present on Earth. This is now clear after the findings of the so-called “zero field” were made public.

A zero field is an area that is as far away from natural or man-made magnetic fields as it is possible to be.

The mice used in the experiment aged much faster after four months in the zero field than their peers who were kept in a normal Earth magnetic field. There were more tumors and changes that were not normal in the liver, leucocytes, kidneys, or bladder. As their fur got rough, their desire to have sex went down. Overall, the death rate also went up.

People who were tested on dropped the flicker merging frequency very quickly, down to just 8 pictures per second. For safety reasons, they could only stay in the zero field for a few weeks.

Most of the time, everyone can spot 14 different pictures per second. For instance, TVs send out 26 images per second, which makes it look like they don’t flash. So, the flash merging frequency is a good way to figure out how well someone can handle outside stimulation.

Surprising things happen when the zero field is used to change direct pain.

Both people and animals have a drug system that is built into them. Some drugs, called opioids, are very good at easing pain and making people feel better. Morphine and heroin are the most well-known examples of these drugs. Endorphins, which are natural painkillers, are made in large amounts when the body is in pain or under emotional or mental stress. This is the reason why some people don’t hurt after an accident, even though they are seriously hurt.

Scientists did tests on animals and found that mice in a zero field could no longer handle medium-level pain. However, mice in a normal magnetic field did not mind this level of pain at all. Flow volumes of only 0.5 µT, on the other hand, are enough to greatly raise the body’s pain threshold, so the body doesn’t feel pain.

The fact that this is really affected by the body’s own endorphin system can be shown by giving an opiate antagonist (Naloxone), which stops the rise in the body’s pain threshold caused by the magnetic field

It’s not a big surprise that NASA and even the Russian space program now put magnetic fields in space suits and ships that are similar to those on Earth (max. 50 µT). This is because pilots used to come back to Earth with no strength or energy left on their return.

In a study of more than 11,000 people, the Japanese scientist K. Nakagawa found that a lot of people in the West are suffering from a lack of magnetic field disease, which is caused by the Earth’s magnetic field becoming weaker over time. It shows up as being tired all the time, not being able to sleep, back pain, headaches, and a general lack of energy. So, we can’t say for sure that the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome isn’t actually the Lack of Magnetic Field Syndrome.

In terms of genes, people are still living in the Stone Age. Human genes have only had about 5,000 chances to change to slowly changing living situations over the last 100,000 years, like the Earth’s magnetic field slowly weakening. This is because there are only about 5 generations every 100 years. This short amount of time is too short for people to be able to handle a weaker magnetic field. It’s not even possible to make up the 150 µT that is missing (200 – 50), which is the difference between how strong the Earth’s magnetic field was in the past and how strong it is now

II. Magnetic fields – Biological changes

At first, it seems hard to understand how to describe the different message chemicals and how the body’s natural processes work. Even so, it helps people understand the places where it can be used and boosts their confidence during talks.

Tip: From my own experience, the “Biological Changes” part takes longer to learn than it needs to in order to explain how it can be used. Anyone reading this can, of course, start with the places where it can be used and then, case by case, learn about how magnetic field therapy works

The system:

Biology of molecules

1. cAMP is a receptor action and messenger substance

As an example, a receptor is like a lock that can only hold one key. Nature gave each cell special receptors to make sure it gets the information it needs at the right time and for the right reason. This makes sure that a messenger substance only sends the word to that cell and not to the cell next to it

Messenger molecules can be enzymes or hormones, but they can also be radio waves. In this case, these are the “key” or “code” that sets off the sensor. The “biological window” and the “stochastic resonance” concept tell electromagnetic signals how to code themselves.

A “secondary messenger substance” called cAMP is made inside the cell when “primary messenger substances” like hormones, neurotransmitters, or electric signals activate the receptor.

From a molecular biology point of view, G proteins and ß-receptors are what make this process happen.

As a group of different communication agents, CAMP can do a lot of different things. There are a thousand things it can do, which means it always does what it was made to do in each cell. For example, if the cell is a glandular cell, it will make a glandular product. If the cell is a diseased skin cell, which causes psoriasis, it will grow back to its normal state.

One of the most important jobs is

  • To boost the production of proteins. This makes sure that there are enough of these substances for muscles, sinews, connective tissue, and other tissues.
  • The division of cells. It’s the same as designing the inside of a newcell. What works best is something that is different from everything else. On the other hand, there is cell multiplication, which means the cell grows but becomes less healthy.
  • Making mRNA and DNA. In English, this means that cells in the body can repeat, or restore themselves more quickly and better.


cAMP, or cyclo-AMP, is also known as the “second messenger” because it has many effects . Either a hormone, a messenger chemical, or an electric wave, like that from a magnetic field, is the first warning or message. The second messenger, cAMP, picks up the message and tells the body to make certain chemicals, no matter if the signal comes from the hormone or the magnetic field. Things like proteins, new parts of cells, or even whole new cells are made. CAMP always has the effect of getting the cell going.

2. What calcium (Ca++), a receptor or signaling substance, does

What the higher ++ means is that this is a very strongly positively charged particle.

When magnetic fields pulse, Ca++ ions can get into a cell very quickly.

Calcium ions are the most important form of communication inside all living things. There are a thousand times more Ca++ ions outside of cells than inside in cells. Ion channels are holes in the cell wall that let certain things pass through when a cell is stimulated by a hormone, an electromagnetic nerve signal, or a magnetic field. The pipes in a dam are like these lines. Once the lines are opened, the water fills the lower areas. Taking this to the cells means that once the ion channels are open, a lot of calcium ions flood the cell and start different processes that are unique to that cell.

Not only do calcium ions enter the cell through the cell wall, they are also released by cell organelles, which are useful parts of the cell, and can be used as message systems. What happens if this causes the amount of calcium inside a cell to rise? Several things change.

  • putting brain signals into muscle movement
  • the hormones coming out
  • the way enzymes work
  • the prevention of inflammations and anti-allergenic benefits


Intracellular calcium (Ca++) does a lot of things, and one of them is turn on the messenger chemical cAMP.

I especially think that turning on enzymes has effects that are very important for sports medicine and recovery

For people who run at least once a week, the amount of mitochondria grows on their own. The cell gets its power from these power sources inside the cell. They use air to burn carbs and fats, which gives muscles the energy they need to contract.

Not long ago, the way that these power sources can be copied in the cell was figured out. Calcium turns on a certain enzyme, which is called “calmodulin-dependent protein kinase.” When nerve cells send the message to contract, muscle cells usually let go of calcium. In this way, every time a muscle moves, protein kinase production starts. As a result, a protein is made again, which makes a lot of mitochondria. This gives the muscle a lot more energy later.

The same thing happens when a magnetic field pulses. It makes the cell have more calcium. Thanks to the enzyme proteinkinase, this makes the number of mitochondria grow! A magnetic field acts like the natural urges that make us move.

Effect or summary:

To add to that, Ca++ works as a “second messenger.” Sometimes, it’s also the “first messenger,” which is always the case when it, for example, hires cAMP on its own. Most of the time, someone or something gives it the order, like a magnetic field. It then takes over the code or message and starts making certain substances. One of these many chemicals makes the mitochondria inside the cell divide.


1. The osteoblast effect and the piezoelectric effect

In the past, people thought that bone growth was caused by the so-called piezoelectric effect. These days, research with bone cells has shown that they can directly stimulate bone cells. To give you an idea, the piezoelectric effect lets you “simulate” the bone’s natural pressure. The bone gets messages for growth that are sent to the cells that make bones.

1.1. Effect of piezoelectricity

The word “piezo” comes from the Greek word “peizein,” which means “to press.” It is used to talk about how mechanical pressure can change the electrical charge of crystals or bone substances.

The membrane of the bone cells gets information about the mechanical force when we put weight on a bone. Based on this knowledge, the needed repair of the bone (called “call to strengthen the bone”) is managed. This kind of impact can be caused by more than just muscle stress or the Earth’s gravity. A pulsing magnetic field can also do it.

The magnetic field makes the bone feel like it is being bent and pressed by natural action. Because of this, growth factors that make the bone and cartilage cells to

the right messenger chemicals (“second messengers,” such as cAMP, Ca++, etc.) are made so that cells can multiply or be restored. Another thing is that this is a very interesting thing to see, especially when there are complex cracks.

Stimulation of osteoblasts and chondrocytes

A bone that works well needs to have a lot of tensile strength, compression strength, and elastin characteristics. They are made up of a rigid top layer called the spongiosa and a soft, beam-shaped core that helps the bone do its job.

The fine structure is like a building made of steel and concrete. The “steel supports” are the same thing as the bone beams and collagen fibers that make them up. The “concrete” is made of calcium and phosphate lime salts, which can stand up to pressure.

The material that makes up bone is constantly being rebuilt. Osteoblasts use calcium and other minerals from the blood to attach to the bone and do this job. It is the job of the osteoclasts to keep the bone from getting too big. In other words, they break down the bone. Osteoblasts build bones, and osteoclasts break them down. In a healthy bone, these two forces balance each other out. In other words, a bone is constantly being rebuilt. For the next few years, our bones will have grown back fully. This is a perfectly normal thing for the bone to do

The bone material is made by osteoblasts. They use more than just calcium and phosphate. Collagen is what gives bones their amazing tensile strength. Because of this, bone is much less likely to break than eggshells, which are mostly made of calcium.

Bone cells (osteocytes) and cartilage cells (chondrocytes) are in charge of moving nutrients around. By the way, chondrocytes are the most common type of bone cell. Osteoclasts are the cells that break down bones.

There are a lot of things that can stimulate osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and chondrocytes. For one thing, these are things that make you move. For another, they are hormones and enzymes. But growth signs can also be set off by pulsing magnetic fields. Bone cells become less sensitive to the hormone parathyroid when they are in a magnetic field. This makes the activity of the osteoblasts stronger

Findings from the research: The Institut für Strahlenforschung München (Institute for Radiation Research) in Munich did research that showed osteoblasts that were exposed to a magnetic field made a lot more collagen (Type 1) than control cells that were not treated.

Collagen (Type 1) is the main protein in bone, and the body needs a lot of it for bones to heal. For instance, they found that the genetic signal (collagen Type 1-mRNA) for this collagen was present in amounts as high as five times the normal amount.

After this, the bone gets stronger and harder, and its structure improves. Another study found that the number of chondrocytes increased by up to three times what it was before. This obviously has an effect on the cartilage’s nutrient situation.

When the field strength is pretty high, like 7 mT, the osteoblasts were only excited at the start of the trial. That is, their activity tended to drop off as the study went on. This should tell you that the healing benefits happen when the flow density is very low.

Effect or summary:

You can make a bone grow in two different ways, depending on whether you have osteoporosis or a difficult fracture. First, there is the piezoelectrical effect, which mimics the bone’s natural tension, bending, and pressure forces. This drives the osteoblasts and chondrocytes cells that make bone and cartilage. Secondly, direct stimulation of osteoblasts and chondrocytes can also help bones grow. This is possible by getting rid of “blocking” factors.

2. Stimulation of endorphins

Endorphins are natural opiates that are made when people and animals are in pain or under a lot of stress. Nature probably set this up this way so that the effects of the world could be better handled. Endorphins can be as strong as morphine, which means that even if we have a major injury, we might not feel high levels of pain.

In a room without the Earth’s magnetic field (called a “zero field”), mice are much more sensitive to pain than other mice of the same species that are being made to feel pain in a room with the Earth’s normal magnetic field. In a control trial, a magnetic field strength of only 0.5 µT (!) was enough to stop the body from reacting to pain.

It looks like magnetic fields are very important for making endorphins. In the other direction, people would not be able to live on Earth without its magnetic field.

Effect or summary:

In order for organic opiates (endorphins) to be made naturally, there must be a magnetic field. A pulsing magnetic field can cause the body to make more endorphins. This has big effects on how pain is treated and on the sports industry.

3. Hormone for growth

People are becoming more and more interested in the growth hormone HGH (Human Growth Hormone) because it slows down the aging process. HGH, which is made in large amounts by children and teens, can do almost anything. It can help with muscle growth, libido, and keeping your skin smooth.

Instead of working on its own, HGH makes growth factors in the liver, such as IGF-1 and IGF-2. IGF stands for “Insulin-Like-Growth-Factor,” by the way. IGF-2 is also closely linked to the work of osteoblasts, for example.

When cells are exposed to a magnetic field, they make more IGF-2 and more of its compatible proteins. An especially amazing result that the “anti-aging” industry has yet to find out about.

Effect or summary:

IGF hormones are made in the liver and are used by growth hormones. IGF-2 is a specific growth hormone that can be made by artificial pulsing magnetic fields. Growth hormones are used a lot in sports (to build muscle) and in anti-aging (to make skin look younger and improve sexual health).

4. Getting the defense system going, Eosinophils

According to the studies, interleukins like IL-1 and IL-6 make a huge amount more of themselves when they are exposed to a magnetic field. It’s also true that T cells are growing, which means that phagocytes are working harder, which means that more invaders are being killed by macrophages.

Interleukins, also known as cytokines, are immune system messengers. IL-1, for instance, makes T- and B cells work harder. Along with that, IL-1 and IL-6 make bone and joint cells work harder. IL-1, on the other hand, is a signaling substance that causes inflammation in people with chronic polyarthritis, while IL-6 is a messenger substance that is released in large amounts, especially during illnesses

Effect or summary:

In general, a pulsing magnetic field makes the defense system work better. At the same time, certain types of defense cells are starting to form. These are called interleukins, but these days they are also called cytokines. Bone and tissue cells also grow faster when IL-1 and IL-6 are present. When you have a viral illness, IL-6 is very helpful.

5. Lessening of prostaglandins

There are chemicals called prostaglandins that are like hormones and affect the tone of smooth muscles and the heart. On the other hand, prostaglandins are also closely linked to processes that cause inflammation. Some people used to think that prostaglandins would rise when exposed to a magnetic field, but new research shows that they actually fall when exposed to a magnetic field. As a result, inflammation was stopped and platelets from sticking together to form thrombocytes. To heal from accidents, preventing inflammation is very important. To improve blood flow, stopping the clumping together of thrombocytes (anti-coagulation) works in a way similar to acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin®).

6. Nerve growth (NGF)

If you get hurt, magnetic fields can speed up the time it takes to heal. The time it takes for the nerve to grow back is cut by 22 to 100 percent. Pulsating magnetic fields help nerves that have been hurt in crashes or surgeries grow back. This is because nerves need certain paths to grow, so a surgeon would have to put the torn nerve back together. A magnetic field can be used to treat cuts and bruises directly

7. Receptors for dopamine

Most people think that yawning or feeling the need to stretch is caused by a lack of air, but it’s actually a tiny chemical called dopamine. For people who are in the middle of a yawing phase, magnetic field therapy can make it worse.

There’s no doubt that a magnetic field can activate the dopamine receptors. The fact that dopamine also controls sexual behavior (a rise in drive) is interesting. For instance, people with Morbus-Parkinson disease, whose bodies normally only make very little dopamine, also have trouble with their physical lives. Some of the men in the Parkinson study who were treated with a pulsing magnetic field got penile erections and felt sexually aroused again.

From these tests, we can’t tell if this therapy works the same way on guys who don’t have Parkinson’s disease but do have problems with their libido.

Summary or effect

It is clear that pulsing magnetic fields activate the dopamine receptors. This is very important for people with Morbus Parkinson because they don’t have enough dopamine. Not only do drugs help Parkinson’s people with their personal lives, but they also help with their movement problem.

8. Blood Flow

Even though heat cameras can show that a person’s circulation improves when they are in a pulsing magnetic field, there aren’t many studies that have been done in this area. Animal tests have shown that it can widen the blood veins in the brain and make more blood move through the body in general. The basic biology model is supported by this: (1) The cells of the blood vessel take in more Ca++. This is linked to the enzyme calmodulin. Calmodulin makes a certain substance that controls how wide the blood arteries are. Nitric oxide, or NO, is the name of this regulator.

Nitric Oxide is a chemical that has become a biological wonder over the past few years. It is likely the most important intercellular signaling substance for almost all organ systems. Nitric Oxide is made in the endothelium, a layer of cells that lines the inside of blood and lymph channels. It doesn’t last long. Vasodilation (widening of blood arteries) is a major affect it has on veins, but not so much on arterioles and capillaries. These arteries are about the width of a hair.

Nitric Oxide levels normally rise, which always leads to better blood flow to tissues.

Effect or summary:

A pulsing magnetic field makes the blood vessels wider, which improves blood flow to the tissue. This has amazing healing effects.

9. Nervous system of plants

The fight-or-flight responses are controlled by the vegetative nervous system, which is an autonomous nervous system. It also controls and guides almost all organ functions without our thought, will, ideas, or wants. The active part of the vegetative nervous system is turned on when we are in a stressed situation. These kinds of situations always happen before behavior days because of the pressure to do well, the pressure of opinion through the media, and the huge amount of information that is available. To be sympathetic is to say this. The parasympathetic is its opposite number and is in charge of digestion, peace, and rest.

Researchers that study stress think that a lot of chronic diseases, especially heart diseases and cancer, are linked to taking in stress in the wrong way. It’s also easy to see this because the vegetative nervous system is linked to almost every part of repair and recovery.

If you compare local magnetic field therapy to therapy for the whole body, you’ll find something surprising: If someone with widespread osteoporosis only gets therapy for one limb, the bone mass in the limb that doesn’t get therapy also grows, though not as much as in the limb that does get therapy. But, for example, the magnetic fields don’t have to be put on the head in order to treat a pain. It is enough to just treat the body and leave the head out.

Scientists think that the magnetic fields affect plants and always say that the whole body should be treated. Aside from the “switch function” that the vegetative nervous system clearly plays in the healing process, control stiffness also seems to be affected by magnetic field therapy.

There is “permanent attention on position” in the sympathetic nervous system of a person who is constantly under pressure from society and performance. This can be caused by changes in society and too much information and opinion on “how one should behave.” So, the parasympathetic nervous system, which balances and relaxes, can’t grow the way it needs to. Regulation stiffness is the name for this state: The most recent research shows that control stiffness is closely linked to the development of cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.

Even though no one knows for sure, it is thought that a pulsing magnetic field starts biological processes. This can free up a vegetative nervous system that is stuck in a one-sided response and set it back to its normal oscillating behavior between the sympathetic and parasympathetic poles.

Effect or summary:

As a “central control organ,” the vegetative nerve system has a big effect on how all the other organs and metabolism work. When the vegetative nervous system is constantly thrown off, it often turns into a stiffness in control that makes chronic illnesses more likely to happen or even causes them. One common step on the way to regulation stiffness is long-term worry that isn’t dealt with. So, a pulsing magnetic field can affect illnesses that are linked, either directly or indirectly, to taking in stress in the wrong way. High blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, cancer, and other common cases come to mind.

1. Care for broken bones, cuts, and bones

Information in general:

A report from 1993 said that up to that point, 250,000 people with problems with bone and wound healing had been properly treated. In the United States, pulsing magnetic field therapy is now an official practice in this area of health. German law only covers the quality of a medical device’s technical parts. The American FDA (Food and Drug Administration), on the other hand, requires proof that the device works as well.

The American Overview says that this therapy is “proven to work for arthritis, bony necrosis, osteoporosis, and wound healing disorders” when it comes to bone healing disorders.

Breaking bones

One of the most common diseases today is osteoporosis. Around 12 million people, or about 15% of the population, are thought to have osteoporosis in some form.

Osteoporosis is defined as having bone density below a certain normal number (30–40%) for a healthy young adult. This can be found using the standard method of densitometry. Aside from biological factors, this illness is also caused by people moving less (television, car, lift, etc.). It’s also important to look at more than just bone mass to see how well the therapy worked. The strength of the bone should also be taken into account.

Twenty people with osteoporosis, for example. 12 weeks of therapy with magnetic fields. As a result, the bone mass increased a lot during therapy. There was a loss of bone mass again after 36 weeks. After 8 years, another test found that there was no change between the treated women and the others.

Young patients with osteoporosis who have had surgery on their limbs are immobilized. The result was that 54% of the bone mass was lost and only 10% after therapy with a magnetic field.

Broken bones

In 1992, Gossling used a search engine to find 44 studies that were only about tibia injuries. The rate of healing with magnetic field therapy was 81%, while it was only 82% with surgery. This is very interesting because healing often can’t happen without surgery. When it came to open fractures, surgery worked better (89% vs. 78%), but magnetic field therapy helped a lot more infected bones heal (81% vs. 69%). Even after fractures were fixed, magnetic field therapy worked better than surgery (85% vs. 79%).

Twenty test animals are an example. Study that only looks at one side. 9 days of care for the broken bone. Result: Healing went faster than in the control group.

13 sick people. Broken bones that haven’t been fixed medically. Field strength between 10 and 100 µT. As a result, 11 fractures got better totally. There was 1 cm of space between the two ends of the bone in the case of the two breaks that didn’t heal back together.

Case in point: 44 hand fractures (scaphoid fractures). Did not improve after 40 months. After only 4.3 months of magnetic field therapy, the wound was healed.

91 For shin bone pseudoarthritis, the healing rate is generally 72%. With 88%, Type 1 is the “least serious case.” Type 2 has 80%, and Type 3 has 19%.

Break in the foot (metatarsal V) that doesn’t heal: It heals in an average of 3 months (2-4 months), and when the foot was looked at again after 39 months, none of the bones that had healed showed any signs of breaking again.

Fusion of the spine (Spondylodesis)

A part of the spine gets stiffer through spondylodesis. When you have scoliosis, Morbus Bechterew, spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, dislocation of the spinal disk, tumor, nerve pain, or osteoporosis, this is the best thing that can happen.

For example, 86 of the 61 people who had chronic lumbago who were put in the magnetic field group got better, while only 52.6% of those in the control group got better.

48 patients with a high risk after posteolateral lumbar spine fusion. Do not use a dummy in this study. Controlling radio waves 97.9% of the time, it works! There were 59% of people who went back to work. Not a single patient said they were unhappy with the professional care.

195 people who had lumbar “interbody” fusion. Double-blind. 92% of the time, the magnetic field worked, and 65% of the time, the fake worked.

Wounds that don’t heal (decubitus, lower leg sores, etc.)

31 people with venous leg sores are examples. These are sores on the lower legs that happen because varicose veins leak tissue fluid, which in turn makes it hard for nutrients to get to the nearby tissue. When compared to the group that wasn’t treated with a magnetic field, the treated group had much better wound depth and size, less pain, and more healing at the base of the ulcer after 8 weeks.

72 people with diabetes had their legs open, which is known to happen when blood flow is insufficient. For 58% of the diabetics who received magnetic field therapy, the length of therapy was shorter than with normal therapy. This means that necrolysis (the breakdown of dead tissue) and epithelialization (the covering with skin) healed faster.

Twenty people who are suffering from pressure decubitus. Magnetic field therapy was the only way for the patient to heal significantly.

400 people who got IV therapy in the wrong way left wounds that didn’t heal well. The cuts healed three to five times faster with magnetic field therapy than with regular care.

2. Therapy for pain

Having headaches or migraines

A little over 10% to 15% of adults in Germany get migraines every month, and another 20% to 30% get stress headaches once a month. About half of people who get migraines have one attack every month, and one in ten has four or more. Six days a year, half of women who get migraines and a third of men who get migraines can’t go to work. Tension headaches are a long-term problem for 3% of people who have them. In other words, they have these headaches more than 180 days a year.

An investigation found that around half of the people who have migraines are not getting medical help. This number goes as high as 83% for people who have stress headaches. There’s no doubt that they don’t trust their doctor to help them.

For example, 12 people with migraines. There were two groups in the study: those who were given a placebo and those who were given the real magnetic field therapy.

The severity and number of attacks greatly decreased after magnetic field therapy.

Before MF therapy: 3.32 attacks per week

After 14 days of MF therapy: 0.58 attacks per week

42 people with migraines. Blind strategy for the study. Important: The thigh was chosen as the application site because the growth control mechanism has been confirmed.

Result: Magnetic field   45% good improvement
                                     14% excellent improvement
Placebo:                       15% good improvement
                                       0% excellent improvement
                                     15% deterioration

After one month, there was a follow-up check, and the magnetic field group had 29% good improvement and 43% great growth.

82 people with headaches or migraines. As a result, 76% of the MF group had a lot fewer complaints. The placebo group had some progress for 2.5%, a small worsening for 8%, and a major worsening for 2%.

3. Arthritis and other degenerative, painful joint diseases

Arthritis starts when the cartilage in the joints wears down. The reason could be the wrong angle, too much weight, or problems with the circulation. It is clear that people who drink too much can get hip arthritis at a fairly young age. This is because it is clear that they have problems with their circulation, which leads to nutritional problems in the hip joint cartilage. But for some types of arthritis, it’s not always easy to figure out what causes it.

Important: It doesn’t happen very often that the pain that can come from arthritis is caused by bones “rubbing together.” What actually happens is that a kind of defense system is set off in people with arthritis. The ligaments and muscles that hold the joint together tighten up to try and make the arthritic joint move less. Especially the parts of muscles that are attached to bones turn into nerves or pathways that run through joints. This means that the patient is in a lot of pain whenever he moves the joint, so the hip or knee has to stay still.

It is known that a pulsating magnetic field can help the cartilage heal by stimulating the chondrocytes, which are the cells that make up cartilage. However, it is still not clear why, after a short time, the joint can feel and work better. Surgery normally lasts for a long time because cartilage needs time to grow. Everyone is surprised by how quickly this therapy for arthritis works. It’s clear that the higher blood flow to the joint’s supporting system is what makes this happen. Also, it’s not impossible that “vegetative” messages could cause a relaxed urge.

As a result, increasing blood flow to stiffened muscle receptors makes the muscle soften. After this, the pressure on the right nerves is taken off, which is the same thing as less pain.

Gonarthritis (knee arthritis)

5 studies with a total of 592 patients


One month later, there was a checkup. The people who had magnetic field therapy moved better than the people who had been given a fake

Spondylarthritis is arthritis of the small joint between the vertebrae

Not one of the three studies that looked at the benefits for cervical syndrome (spinal pain in the neck) found any. It’s interesting that the leader of the study used the magnetic field all the time for 24 hours. We can say for sure that this long therapy time caused a drop in the messenger chemical cAMP: Because cAMP is missing, there is no affect

But for 228 people with knee and neck spondylarthritis, the therapy made a big difference compared to the control group

Osteoarthritis of the hip

Pain levels dropped a lot, and movement got better.

For example:

66 sick people. After only 4 weeks, there was a big drop in pain and better movement. Even after 6 months, this was still the case.

Artificial joints (Hip or knee TEP) becoming loose

In Germany, 170,000 people with arthritis choose an artificial hip joint every year. In Europe as a whole, this number is as high as 550,000, and it’s going up every year by 2%. The normal life span of this type of hip TEP (Total Endo-Prosthesis) is only 10 to 12 years. This means that the prosthesis slowly comes free, which causes pain. At that point, the mechanical joint needs to be changed. It is not possible to do this surgery more than once because there is usually not enough bone left for a second implant.

For example:

Japanese studies show that magnetic field therapy that lasted several months was able to delay the TEP’s loosening and, by extension, the surgery that followed by an average of 1.7 years. During this time, the pain also got a lot better. An American study from 1993 found that the “Harris Hip Score” was much better in the therapy group, at 53% compared to 11% for the control group.

For people with arthritis, the Harris-Hip-Score is a valid way to measure pain and movement.

24 people whose TEPs are becoming free. Over the course of 18 months, therapy: The result was a big change in pain and hip movement. There was no change in being able to bend and stretch.

An experiment with animals was done to see how well a tooth implant attached. After two weeks of therapy, there was a big increase in bone density compared to the first week’s check.

Note: The successful studies of Prof. Lechner from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, who was a magnetic field pioneer, were left out of this collection. Set up an uncontrolled study, that’s why.

4. Tendinopathy, such as fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, and shoulder-arm disease

Tendopathy is the breakdown of sinews and the connections between them. It shows up as pain that gets worse with movement and structures that are tightening up and getting harder. If you have tennis elbow, shoulder arm syndrome, impingement syndrome, tendopathy of the biceps sinew, or other signs like these, you are not alone. You can be sure that the pain in your hand and lower arm that is often called tendosynovitis is the same thing as real tendopathy.

“Generalized tendinopathy,” which is also called Fibromyalgia disease, is a type of tendinopathy that is different from other types. There are a lot of places where muscles and sinews connect to bones, which means they are affected. This sickness “travels,” which means that back pain that has been there for weeks or months will quickly go away and come back in the chest or hip area.

Women are more likely than men to have these widespread pain complaints. About 1.2 percent of the population is thought to have this disease! So, the exact number of people in Germany is somewhere between 800,000 and 1,600,000,000. 30 to 40 percent of people who go to some pain hospitals also have fibromyalgia. Because no one knows how this illness starts, there is no effective therapy. Because of this, people who have this problem often quit early.

If you think about what pulsing magnetic fields do, like increasing blood and sending signals to cells, this makes tendinopathy the best place to use them. When it comes to fibromyalgia, it may also be effective.

Such as:

29 people who have shoulder-arm syndrome. Study. In the first four weeks of magnetic field therapy, there was a big change. During the next four weeks, the magnetic field and the fake medicine were the same. It didn’t change during the next eight weeks when there was no therapy either. But: By the end of the study, 65% of the patients no longer had any symptoms, and another 14% (5 patients) said their symptoms got better. This is even more important because taking medicine to treat shoulder-arm syndrome is usually very hard; only a small number of people who try this actually get better.

5. Brain science

Having trouble sleeping

People who have severe sleepiness often feel like they are the only ones going through these horrible times. This biased image is not what it seems to be: Twenty to thirty percent of people in western industrialized countries have trouble sleeping. About 10–15 percent of these people have trouble sleeping and need to be treated.

One thing that is different from having trouble sleeping through the night is having trouble getting to sleep. The type of sleep can also make it hard to stay asleep at night. If we are restless in bed, our eyes are probably still in a light sleep phase, which can be told because they are moving very quickly. In the United States, this part of sleep is also known as the “REM Phase” or “Rapid Eye Movements.” We move things from our short-term memory to our long-term memory all the time, like when we dream. Or, we get rid of information that isn’t needed.

The deep sleep phase is the other one. This is the same as being asleep and its main purpose is to help the body heal itself. The deep sleep phase is also very important for the defense system. The body only makes the human growth hormone (HGH) during the deep sleep phase. This is a very important fact for the aging process. Problems falling asleep or staying asleep don’t affect the dream phases, but they do affect the deep sleep phases. The deep sleep phases are shorter and less deep, so they can’t really be called deep sleep phases.

Very nearly every fourth German in Western Germany has trouble sleeping through the night, which means they miss out on their deep sleep stages. Because of this, it’s not a surprise that 15% of people feel their work is affected by being tired during the day, either often or all the time. The regularity goes up as you get older. 44 percent of people who have trouble sleeping at night take sleeping pills. This is a very scary number. This problem affects 5% of men and 12% of women in Germany, to put it another way.

It’s pretty clear what the tests on sleep therapy with pulsing magnets found:

Such as:

101 people who had trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, or having bad dreams. Four-week double blind study. There were also checks for daytime tiredness, headaches, and the ability to focus.

Nerve damage

for example, after an accident, when the spinal disk slips out of place, after surgery, etc.
After the first surgery (sewing the ends of the nerves together), magnetic field therapy sped up nerve growth more than no therapy with magnetic field therapy.

An important fact is that magnetic field therapy can also stop a scar neurinoma from forming.

A neurinoma is a very painful growth that forms when a nerve stump turns into a scar after being hurt or having surgery.

Alzheimer’s disease

In people with Morbus-Parkinson syndrome, a certain chemical signal called dopamine is no longer made. The result is movement problems that are managed from the brain. This includes the well-known tremors of the limbs at rest, stiffness when moving, seizures, trouble starting to walk and walking actions stop start, and so on.

The results of the studies:

By using magnetic field therapy, it was possible to make some Parkinson’s patients 80–90% less likely to fall. At the same time, the Parkinson’s symptoms got better in general. An American study, for example, was able to make big and long-lasting changes in people with dysarthria (speech problems). The results in thinking areas also improved.

Multiple Sclerosis

An autoimmune disease means that the body’s immune system attacks its own nerve ends. This is what multiple sclerosis is. Because of this, the nerves slowly die off. Muscle spasms and paralysis are just a few of the terrible symptoms of this disorder.

In the same way that pulsing magnetic fields can help with muscle spasms (see arthritis, back pain, or tendopathy), applying magnetic fields to MS patients should help with their jerky contractions.

Such as:

38 people with MS. Two times a day for one week as part of a double-blind study. The result is clear: it reduces spasticity.

30 people with MS. Two months of therapy.
Results: There was a clear improvement in spastic contractions, bladder control, cognitive skills, movement, level of tiredness, and eyesight.

The study results aren’t given in exact numbers because the readings are the same as a complicated scale used on standardized tests.

Neuralgia after Zoster

It is a given that people who had chicken pox as kids will get shingles later in life. Post-zoster neuralgia, which means strong to very strong nerve pain, is a terrible side effect that can happen. Even though I don’t know how magnetic field therapy works in this case, it looks like the pain is better when a magnetic field pulses

Such as:

shingles were found in 32 people. A pulsing magnetic field was used to treat all of the patients, so this was not a placebo-controlled study. About 40% of people with shingles (those older than 50 years; in fact, 75% of those older than 75 years) develop neuralgia later on. However, only one of the people in the study group had the nerve pains that were reported.

6. Therapy for stress

In times of stress, the vegetative nervous system takes over. For instance, hearing bad or unexpected news can make your blood pressure go up. For example, 90% of the time, high blood pressure is caused by an increased “sympathetic tonus.” This increased sympathetic tonus can be born with a person which happens very rarely) or be caused by stress from the outside or the inside.

External worry can come from things like work, family, or social pressures. Fear, pain, fantasy, repressed wants, and rules are some of the ones that cause mental stress. Even not moving around and being overweight can be bad because exercise is a excellent way to get rid of stress.

Insulin resistance happens when you don’t exercise. This may stop cells from getting enough glucose. Cells become stressed. People with type 2 diabetes are often on edge and have problems with high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.

It has been shown that when healthy people are stressed, their cardio-variability (changes in the heart’s function) changes. Heart rate variability shows how likely it is that a person will die suddenly from heart failure.

There are a lot of possible uses for pulsing magnetic fields because they can help restore a natural balance between the sympathetic (stress) and parasympathetic (relaxation) nerves.

In spite of this, here are some important signs: Physical and mental worry, high blood pressure, sexual problems in the body and mind, fear, and being more sensitive to pain are some of the things that can happen.

Restless Legs Syndrome, in which the legs move around a lot at night; cardiac arrhythmia and heart rate failure if not caused by an organic cause; metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus, etc.

Important: Because of the vegetative reaction, we always say to treat the whole body when you have local problems, like arthritis.

7. The immune system

The natural immunity defense system is made up of many different parts. Scientists in the medical field are still trying to figure out how to turn it on or off. Either bacteria or viruses are to blame for colds. However, if the body’s defense system were fully functional, no germ would be able to stay alive. If you get a cold, tick-bone relapse fever, or Herpes, it’s not because your immune system is weak. It’s because your immune system got weak for a short time. In other words, the immune system was weak before the illness.

It doesn’t matter if this is possible, like because that person was chilled (cold). On the other hand, we know from professional sports that players who are getting ready for a game often get herpes up to six times a year. At high levels of training, the chance of getting lung diseases also goes up. Animal tests also supported the “open window” theory, which says that when people are stressed, their immunity drops for one to three days, making them more likely to get virus and bacterial illnesses.

Due to their clearly calming and regulating effects on the vegetative nervous system and, by extension, on stress levels, pulsating magnetic fields have an effect both directly on immune cells and indirectly on immune cells that are still as strong as they were before.

Uses in different areas:

  • Making you more likely to get infections
  • Syndrome of chronic tiredness.
    A long-term virus illness could also be to blame
  • A weak defense system because of stress
  • Infections that last a long time, like ones that take weeks to get better.


8. Making the blood flow better

It’s not true that increasing blood flow means increasing blood pressure in the big blood veins. If that were the case, we would have hypertension, or high blood pressure. Blood vessels getting smaller and the heart having to do more work are what cause this high blood pressure. It’s like squeezing one end of a hosepipe together and having the tap open even more. No, growing blood circulation doesn’t mean that more blood is going through the muscle. This is also based on whether the small blood arteries are pumping blood.

Blood tubes spread out in a tee shape. Arterioles come off of large arteries. There are hundreds of thousands of small blood vessels called capillaries that break off from arterioles. Each one has a width of 3 to 8 µm. There are 1,000 parts in a millimeter, or 1 µm. At the same time, the red blood cells (erythrocytes) that bring oxygen to tissues have a width that is at least as big. This means that an erythrocyte has to stretch a lot to fit through these vessels

When you are under a lot of stress or have high blood pressure, some of the blood flow through your tissues just slows down. The body does this by making the small blood arteries narrow and wide, so that only very small amounts of blood can flow through them. It is no longer possible for the erythrocyte to change shape in order to get through the channel if the width gets smaller. Because of this, the tissue is no longer getting oxygen.

Even though muscles can keep working for a few hours without air, it would be much harder to do any kind of sports. The situation for the kidneys and liver, on the other hand, would be much worse.

If you cut off blood flow to the liver, it would simply stop doing things like breaking down food and getting rid of waste. For example, giving the liver enough blood is necessary for it to break down booze and medicines properly.

Even our brains will act like lightning if they get a tiny bit less air than they need. Almost every day after lunch, we see this. After eating, the brain gets a little less blood because the digestive system needs more oxygen.

Uses in different areas:

There are two ways that a magnetic field can help blood flow. The first way is by raising the amount of Nitric Oxide, which is caused by Ca++. Blood valve width is controlled by an enzyme called Nitric Oxide. Second, the blood arteries relax because of a plant-based anti-stress action.

A disease called occlusive artery vascular disease

People who smoke (also known as “smoker’s leg”) or have diabetes mellitus can change the wall of the blood vessel, which can lead to OAVD. One thing that makes it hard to guess what magnetic field therapy will do is that the main cause is changes in the walls of the blood vessels, not the vessels getting smaller. Still, it is possible to make the blood move faster.

Problems with the circulation because of not exercising enough

Heart problems caused by not exercising enough are the best example of how pulsating magnetic fields can be used. In the same way that athletes use magnetic fields to warm up, anyone who doesn’t like exercise or who works too much can improve the blood flow through muscles and heart tissue in a way that is similar to what exercise does.

Problems with potency

Psychiatric issues play a big role in many male energy issues. And the rest are changes in the arteriosclerosis that stop an erection from happening. For example, the drug Viagra® only speeds up the flow of blood and can’t do anything about a psychological blockage. The magnetic field, on the other hand, includes mental rest, which unblocks as well as speeds up the flow of blood.

9. Wellness and anti-aging

The word “anti-aging” refers to actions that slow down or even stop the aging process. We are still a long way from using anti-oxidants (which protect cells) or sex hormones to effectively slow down aging, which is the old-fashioned way of doing things. Stress research, on the other hand, has shown that a healthy vegetative nerve system is closely linked to getting older. However, it is becoming clearer that the body needs to move around as much as possible in order to do its metabolic and cell-renewal work. This is something that is set by genes.

There is a whole new area of use for magnetic field therapy that hasn’t been thought of yet. For example, a magnetic field could increase blood flow, which could lead to more mitochondria or higher levels of growth hormones. This could happen in two ways: by making deep sleep last longer or by directly increasing the production of IGF-2.

10. Sports and health

It’s been a long time since magnetic fields have been used effectively in sports, especially professional sports. This has to do with the fact that magnetic field therapy can be used to help sports injuries and improve blood flow, but it can also be used in new ways that have only recently been discovered.

Improvements to trainings

When you use a magnetic field, your body makes more hormones. Because of this, the pain tolerance immediately goes up, which lets you train harder and better. The quick change to the aerobic phase is another effect. We can explain this by the “forced” production of too much ATP, which happens when the ion pump works hard. Once the process is over, there is more ATP, which means there is more energy. When you work out, the amount of lactate in your muscles either goes down or stays the same.

With oxygen, energy is made in the breathing phase. This is done by making ATP. It makes a lot more energy than it did in the anaerobic phase, when there was no air. This gives you energy very quickly, but it limits the amount of energy you can use. By the way, lactate is always made during the anaerobic phase.

Injuries from sports

For example, tendonitis, contusions, bruises, sprains, partly torn tendons, muscles that are pulled or torn, and so on.

Whenever there is an injury, tissue destruction, or infection, there is usually inflammation that can be identified by four main signs: the affected area getting warmer, turning red because of increased blood flow caused by “inflammation messengers,” swelling as fluid enters the tissues, and pain because of fluid pressing on the tissues. All of these signs make it impossible to do things.

There is a difference between the acute phase (inflammation phase) and the growth phase, which starts about 48 hours after the damage. Not only does blood flow (bruising) happen during the acute phase, but so do inflammation mediators, which are chemicals that start the inflammation. During the growth phase, on the other hand, new cell tissue is already being made. For example, new vessels are already reaching into the area where cells have been killed, and collagen is being made again.

This phase lasts from the 21st day to the 60th day. It helps the new cells get better. This is the best way to get back to the previous state.

The first thing that happens after an accident is a swelling. More water enters the tissue through the blood vessels, and the venous and lymphatic systems can’t get rid of it as quickly as it came in. This leads to oedema.

An important part of moving the blood around is the lymphatic system. How fast the liquid is taken out depends on how hard the muscles tighten and how much pressure there is. What makes a difference is the vasculature and how wide the lymph nodes are. The Nitric Oxide system, which we talked about above, controls the width of lymph passages in the same way that heart and veins do. For instance, this is turned on by a magnetic field.

In this light, magnetic field therapy is like a sword with two blades. One the one hand, it makes the blood move faster, which lets more inflammatory chemicals get into the tissue. The magnetic field, on the other hand, lowers the amount of prostaglandins and bradykinin, which are chemicals that cause inflammation. In addition, the veins and lymph arteries that are made longer by Nitic Oxide can hold more fluid.

Summary, evaluation, and outlook

Pulsating magnetic fields, on the other hand, can be used for many different things and are better for treating many different conditions. Since there are so many therapies available, it is important to set the key recommendations based on objective factors to protect trustworthiness. At this point, the recent results look like a good sign for this:

Most science research on magnetic fields has been done to help bones and wounds heal. This is also true for studies that look at pain therapy. For example, the very good results in treating migraines are likely due to both changing the veins and increasing opioids

Pain from arthritis is another “classic” sign. It doesn’t matter if the arthritis is in the small joints of the spine or in the knee or hip; it also covers all movement of joint devices. It always makes the pain go away and makes it easier to do things

A lot of attention has been paid to transcranial magnetic stimulation as a way to help depression, but it has very little to do with magnetic field therapy. However, there are more and more signs that a person’s happiness can be improved even with much lower flow rates (low intensity pulsed magnetic fields).

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