$110 & $150 per week rent + No Bond + No deposit


Frequently asked questions

General Questions

Our German made, Swiss designed company supplier is privately owned and making high tech, certified medical grade PEMF machines since 1995. The customer support is 1st class with global offices with real people to talk to and phone numbers. We are the #No1 trusted brand. 

After you have placed the order, the product will be sent the same day or next day. The product will arrive in 3 to 5 days. You will receive tracking details.

We find people who search for a PEMF therapy machine are those with a health challenge and is looking for a natural solution. Therapists and Integrated Doctors also find PEMF therapy a great modality to use on their clients. PEMF is also very effective to use on pets, for example dogs and is very popular in the horse industry. A PEMF machine can be beneficial for anyone, who wants to improve their health.

  • PEMF therapy serves as a very effective conjunctional application, significantly improving success of established therapy routines!
  • It promotes comprehensive healing based on self-regulation!
  • There are almost no contraindications and interactions with medication or other therapies!
  • PEMF provides the foundation for other therapies, specifically in cases, where a good constitution /energy level of the patient is crucial for the healing process!
  • Because its efficiency is nowadays medically acknowledged and scientifically proven!
  • Easy to use, doesn’t require expert staff and doesn’t need supervision during an application!
  • PEMF often helps and improves state of health when other modalities show no results anymore!
  • Non-invasive and very safe to use!
  • Because the cost-benefit ratio is unparalleled!
  • Requires no maintenance.
  • PEMF machines are considered to be very safe, medically certified and legally regulated with the respective authorities

There are 4 contraindications:

  • During pregnancy
  • In case of epilepsy
  • With electronic implants such as pacemakers or insulin pumps (exceptions with the consent of a treating physician)
  • Children younger than 2 weeks


Yes, our PEMF machines can be used by those who have metal implants, screws and plates. 

Yes, we supply over the phone training once you receive your machine. Before and after sales support will always be there. We also have videos and training links on our website under the link called:  PEMF TRAINING.

We also have a FREE online course for therapists.

Application of Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields has a vast history within the scope of science and medicine and is scientifically researched for more than a century. Basically, there are thousands of studies and scientific articles published. There is was a landmark 4 year NASA study which showed PEMF therapy increased stem cells by 400%

For the past couple of years, made in China brands have entered the market. The misleading marketing information displayed on these websites has nothing to do with the product they sell. 

Beware of buying these cheap made in China devices. Online marketers buy from Alibaba, rebrand them and then sell mats and pads 10 times more online. 

Please read the Buyers Guide and Compare the Market on our website to educate yourself and know the difference of a good and bad machine.

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. Inside our applicators whole body mat and pad applicators are large, copper coils. You can set the protocol with the touch screen tablet connected to the applicators. The magnetic fields then travel into the body and stimulates the body to heal itself.

PEMF for Athletes

Our clients have reported good results for Post Concussion and Traumatic Head Injuries. Research has shown head injurys can have a devestating impact later in life. The magnetic fields using a quality PEMF machine travels inside the head and can assist with recovery. Try it and see the difference. 

The answer is a clear “YES”. PEMF optimizes cell membrane potential. This effect leads to a better absorption of nutrients and oxygen and therefore increases the body`s own production of ATP. More ATP = more energy = more power = better performance! In addition, PEMF increases microcirculation, reduces pain, and supports better sleep to recover. 

Using a PEMF body mat applicator, assists the body for consistant exercise training and the next sporting event.

Today the regeneration process in athletes is much better understood and respected. Rest after training or competition becomes a crucial factor in building and maintaining the highest levels of performance and professional regeneration also serves as a protective measure to prevent from injuries and illnesses. PEMF applications with the iMRS prime or Omnium1 promote the evacuation of lactic acid, creatine kinase and further waste substances and still keep the metabolism active, even in stages of rest and digest – this process is important to channel the toxic substances through the lymphatic system and “clean up” the entire organism. Simultaneous use of our Brain Entrainment creates an additional effect on the mental state of an athlete.

Based on the property of PEMF to optimize overall functions of metabolism, the motoric performance spectrum can be optimized. Additional Brain Wave Entrainment improves mental strength, awareness and wide awakeness. Utilizing both modalities simultaneously, body and spirit will experience a higher level of general efficiency.

As athletes have generally a higher basic level of metabolism, the applied intensities and application durations with the iMRS prime or Omnium1 differ from conventional approaches. Based on our experience and the numerous feedback from athletes using our systems all over the world and in various sports, the following protocols appear to be most efficient:

  • A: Preparation for training/competition:
    – Whole body application, no later than one hour before training/competition with intensity level 100 and application duration 16 minutes (if applicable, Exagon Brain or OmniBrain with color blue and organ clock “Noon”)!
  • B: After training/competition:
    – Whole body application with intensity level 10 and application duration 24 minutes (if applicable, Exagon Brain or OmniBrain with color green and organ clock “Evening”)! – Additional local application with Pad or Spot on the designated muscle areas with intensity level 50 and application duration 24 minutes (can be repeated with a break of two hours in between).
  • C: Basic routine:
    – A general morning session after waking up with intensity level 50 and application duration 16 minutes (if applicable, Exagon Brain or OmniBrain with color blue and organ clock “Morning”)! as well as a night session before bedtime with intensity level 10 and application duration of 24 minutes (if applicable, Exagon Brain or OmniBrain with color green and organ clock “Night”) can be performed as a basic and consistent routine.

Exagon FIR

The iMRS prime is the only low-pulsed PEMF system in the entire world providing an applicator allowing simultaneous PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) and FIR (Far InfraRed) application. Far InfraRed (FIR) radiation is an InfraRed subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum and has been clinically investigated for biological effects, mostly within the sub-range of roughly 3-12µm (biological window). FIR creates a holistic effect from the inside-out (similar to PEMF) = thermal AND a-thermal radiation will be absorbed and enhanced through vibrational and rotational effects on a multi-molecular level. While using Exagon FIR, the resonance absorption rate is very efficient due to the small distance between the user and the emission surface and its even distribution. Simultaneous application of PEMF and FIR exponentiates the beneficial effects of each modality without interfering or disturbing each other. On top of it, a FIR application feels extremely pleasant, soothing and relaxing and is very safe and free of noticeable risks.

The Exagon FIR contains of an additional layer of carbon fiber wire, which gently warms up over the surface during an application. The exposed warmth can be subjectively felt and experienced. The temperature can be set prior to an application between 32 °C and 45 °C.

Please ensure, that you lie on the surface side with the embossed “Exagon Series” logo as the carbon fiber layer is integrated directly below this side of the surface.

As FIR emits thermal and a-thermal radiation, the temperature setting is not necessarily the crucial value with respect to the benefit of the application. The temperature and therefore the sensation of warmth or heat is more or less a subjective feeling and also depends on your disposition at the time of the respective session. It is hereby more important to receive the a-thermal wave lengths to greatly benefit from an FIR exposure, the reception of warmth or heat is an additionally pleasant sensation, which complements the entire experience.

Application Questions

In simple terms: Acute condition = shorter duration of whole-body application with higher magnetic field intensities! 

In simple terms: Chronic condition = longer duration of whole-body application with lower magnetic field intensities! With both approaches, that consistency is hereby the key while utilizing PEMF! 

A holistic modality only creates lasting effects, when the application will be performed on a daily basis! Please download our particular application protocol recommendations with all available applicators for the iMRS prime and the Omnium1 systems here: Application Protocol

If used with consistency according to the proposed application protocol, results become present within a time frame of 1- 3 weeks, with some acute conditions in even shorter time. Hydrating is very important while utilizing PEMF applications. 

Make sure to always drink a glass of water prior to a PEMF application, and another one after treatment. This will greatly improve efficiency, enhancing circulation and detoxification!

Basically, and if assigned because of a particular situation, apply as long as the healing period has been accomplished and you are free of any symptoms.

However, PEMF application is also designed and effective as a preventive modality. Apart from a healthy lifestyle (proper diet, hydration, exercise, avoid alcohol and nicotine), implement PEMF application into your daily routine!

The use of our PEMF machine is very beneficial in terms of keeping your entire organism healthy, PEMF supports relaxation, stress relief and improves your quality of sleep!

PEMF application is a conjunctional modality, but does not replace conventional treatments, administered by your health care provider! However, as PEMF therapy improves the self-healing capacities, it serves as a powerful support to speed-up repair and healing and may be capable of improving and optimizing the results of existing and applied primary therapy modalities.

The iMRS prime as well as the Omnium1 are designed for holistic applications with the supplied whole body applicator. In addition and depending on your personal selection, both systems can be also used with local applicators, such as Exagon Pad, OmniPad and/or Exagon Spot, OmniSpot. Those local applicators are mainly designed to be used AFTER or in between a whole body application to address certain conditions locally, mainly related to pain relief and local increase of blood circulation. As the iMRS prime as well as the Omnium1 expose different waveforms for the whole body mat (triple sawtooth) and the local applicators (square wave), one application does not replace the other, they actually complement each other. A local application shall be applied with the same principle and approach as the whole body applicator: Acute conditions = shorter duration with higher intensities, chronic conditions = longer duration with lower intensities. We refer hereby to Wolfi`s Law as explained in this section above under topic 1!

The Fast Start Programs, built-in the iMRS prime and Omnium1, are designed to provide a simple (one-touch-operation) and effective way to rapidly achieve certain overall wellness effects. All involved parameters are hereby already preprogrammed (including organ clocks = carrier frequencies, intensity levels incl. eventual combinations of it) and in case of utilizing Exagon Brain or OmniBrain, the preferred flicker frequencies, colors and tone sequences are also generated and provided automatically. Overall, the Fast Start Programs are a very easy, safe and efficient way to utilize PEMF-, Light-, Sound- and Color-therapy without any previous knowledge while creating the desired results.

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields within the low-frequency and low-intensity range can usually not be sensed by the user. However, many people may feel a slight tingling in their fingers, arms, toes or legs. Additionally, due to the increase of blood circulation, people feel a pleasant warmth inside their body. The warmth is hereby not generated by the applicator itself but by the body`s reaction on it (= resonance effect). People with a very high sympathetic level (stress) tend to fall asleep quickly during a PEMF application due to its balancing, relaxing and calming properties. Be aware to slowly stand up after an application to avoid positional vertigo.

The number #1 success factor of PEMF is based on the willingness to use the application on a consistent basis.

Number #2 success factor is to follow the individual protocol, provided by the Certified LifeStyle Consultant.

Number #3 success factor represents the personal lifestyle. Hydration, diet, exercise and avoiding prevalent vices will contribute greatly to a faster and considerable success. If all three above mentioned rules will be followed accordingly, improvement usually appears within 1-3 weeks.

Low-pulsed PEMF systems are designed to deliver frequency bundles, which are exposed via the connected applicators. The main goal of a holistic PEMF application (with a whole body mat) is to deliver these frequencies inside the entire body utilizing physical induction.

As a result, the addressed cellular structures are capable of understanding this “information” and start to resonate with it (MRS = Magnetic Resonance Stimulation)! Scientific observations show, that after a certain time frame (20-25 minutes), cells start refusing to absorb external stimuli (fatigue effect) but are still capable of resonating with it for a long time, even if the initial signal is not supplied anymore.

Based on these facts, it makes simply no sense to apply PEMF for hours and hours, as it will not enhance or promote the desired effect anymore. It appears to be much more beneficial to utilize PEMF 2-4 times/day with durations of max. 24 minutes and 4-6 hours of breaks in between.

As an exception you may additionally use local applicators with longer durations (up to 60 minutes) in case of very acute conditions (sport accidents, incisions, bruises etc.).

Both our PEMF therapy machines are equipped with a so-called Chinese organ clock. This principle from TCM (= Traditional Chinese Medicine) refers to the thesis, that living organs are not equally active during a 24-hour period (biorhythm).

The built-in Chinese organ clock in our PEMF systems controls the applied frequency-bundles and aligns it towards the time of the day an application will be performed. This ensures, that every organ will receive its resonating frequencies according to their natural behavior.

In case Brain Wave Entrainment with Exagon Brain or OmniBrain will be simultaneously applied, the organ clock also controls the exposed frequencies (audio-visually) to address to the brain.

The iMRS prime and Omnium1 systems are equipped with a D/A-Converter (transforming digital into analog signals), responsible for “translating” the digital input command into an analog, electromagnetic field.

A unique property of both systems is the so-called “pole shift”: Every 2 minutes the electromagnetic north- and south pole of the exposed field are inverted during an application (with all available applicators), which can be heard by a soft “click” noise inside the Connector box.

This property allows to prevent from the undesired fatigue effect and improves the resonance and coherence factor with the exposed cellular structures.

The Exagon Spot or OmniSpot are both local applicators to apply PEMF on specific areas of the body. The specific design of these applicators allows two different approaches:

  • Side by side position of the coils = open configuration to lay on body surfaces (similar to Exagon Pad or OmniPad)
  • Folded version = applicator can be wrapped around a body part (arm, hand, knee, leg, shoulder etc.).
  • This particular setup let the coils face each other and create the so-called Helmholtz configuration. This physical effect allows the electromagnetic field to become 100% homogenous in the center space of the two opposed coils and enhances hereby the desired effect.

PEMF signals are characterized by the property to spread in any direction equally. At the same time PEMF signals lose intensity very quickly over distance. With the iMRS prime or Omnium1 systems from Swiss Bionic Solutions and obviously depending on the chosen intensity level during an application, the magnetic field strength will still create a beneficial effect within a radius of up to 1m/3ft = more than enough to penetrate through the entire body mass of a user during an application.

PEMF signals are also characterized by the property of penetrating through solid material (even concrete). Therefore, it is not necessary, and it does not create any additional beneficial effect, if the user undresses. However, please make sure, that you empty your pockets, remove your wallet, credit cards, take off your ring(s), watch and other jewelry as alloys may interfere with the electromagnetic pulse packages and so create a disturbing influence on the exposed field.

Always place your head at the end of the whole body applicator where the cord is attached. There is a good reason for that, as the magnetic field intensity on the whole body applicator is weaker in the head area and stronger at the feet area.

You can place the body applicator on a flat, firm massage table or carpeted floor. But not on a couch or bed as this may bend the large dinner plate sized copper coils inside the body.

You can also place the body mat applicator on top of the body (in case someone is bed bound). Or use and move the smaller pad applicator around the body.

You can easily clean your control unit or tablet with mild soap and a moist cloth. For the touch screen use specific screen cleaner (same as for computer screens, tablets and smartphones).

For the applicators apply mild soap with a moist cloth and rub it dry with a microfiber cloth. If you would like to disinfect your unit, you can do so with a mild disinfectant. Please avoid using sprays or harsh products such as Lysol.

“Exagon Sense” is another unique feature of the iMRS prime and contains of a combination of a hardware component (The “Exagon Sense” optical, photoplethysmography sensor) and a sophisticated algorithm programmed into the firmware of the iMRS prime. While attaching the finger sensor and activating the Exagon Sense function during an application, the iMRS prime constantly measures the heart rate of the user and evaluates the Heart Rate Variability Coefficient (HRVC) in approx. 60 seconds intervals. Depending on the respective result, the iMRS prime automatically adjusts the applied electromagnetic field intensity dynamically during the entire duration of the application. This function is also called “The PEMF Auto Pilot” as, based on the individual biofeedback, evaluated by HRV, the reaction of the user on the applied PEMF field is constantly recognized and the magnetic field intensity will automatically be aligned. In addition, the iMRS prime is recording all HRV data. Those data can be downloaded at any time and utilized for further evaluation through external HRV analysis software. As an informational add-on, the iMRS prime also calculates and displays the SPO2 values of the user during an application.

There is a 3-year warranty on everything except: the Omnium1 control tablet itself has a 1-year warranty and the Omnibrain, Exagon Sense and Exagon Brain have a 6-month warranty. Warranty extensions can be additionally purchased.