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Preparing for PEMF Therapy in Sydney

Whether you’re planning to have a PEMF therapy in Sydney or anywhere else in the world that offers this type of wellness procedure, you need to prepare yourself for the session so you can get optimal results.  

Nevertheless, it is not something you have to worry about because you don’t have to do that much, unlike other comprehensive and complicated medical procedures. In this guide, let us walk you through everything you have to know before having PEMF therapy and the things you need to know for the session.

preparing pemf therapy

If Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Is Safe, Why Do You Have to Prepare for It?

Getting yourself ready for any type of procedure enables you to get a better experience out of it. Moreover, it assures you that the session will cause you no harm, which will eventually lessen the worries you may feel before the therapy. On the other hand, it gives the experts a chance to make you fully understand the process and get informed consent from you (if needed).

How to Get the Most Out of PEMF Therapy

As previously mentioned, the use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy as a treatment for health conditions started during the 1970s. However, only a few people know about it. While its first use was to treat non-union fractures, it has been beneficial in treating depression and anxiety in the 2000s.  

Awareness regarding electromagnetic pulse therapy devices has gradually increased over the past few years. But why could that be?

1. Research

PEMF therapy machines come in different types, intensities, frequencies, and features. That is why you have to make sure that you choose the best device that meets your needs. Because the more you know, the easier it is for you to find a machine that will benefit you the most. 

To do that, it would greatly help to research. Lots of resources are available online for you to read. And if you’re reading this blog, you don’t have to look any further. Just scroll through our blog page, where you can read informative articles about PEMF therapy for free.

2. Estimate the Costs

No matter what aspect of life we look into, it is undeniable that money is a major factor that affects our decision-making process. For this reason, it is essential to assess your financial situation before deciding to purchase a PEMF therapy machine.  

Otherwise, you can rent PEMF devices from us at a price you can afford. Then, you’ll only have to save up until you are ready to buy the machine and have it in your home or clinic for long-term use.

3. Find a Reputable PEMF Machine Manufacturer

PEMF therapy machines got the FDA’s approval a few years back for the different wellness benefits they offer. However, you have to make sure that the manufacturer of the machine you are about to try has the necessary certifications and approval. Doing so will ensure the efficacy of the device and your safety during the process.  

PEMF.inc’s machines for PEMF therapy in Sydney come from Swiss Bionic Solutions, which means they are made with reliable and trusted German technology and have been doing so for 27 years. We also have accreditations and certifications from FDA, ISO, MDSAP, Health Canada, and IEC.

4. Ask Advice

While most companies that offer PEMF therapy machines have consultants who will give you the necessary information about the benefits of PEMF and guide you along the process, it is best to ask for expert advice before the session. These people will help you feel at ease during the sessions and that you’re doing the right thing when navigating the machine. 

Ask them everything you want to know about PEMF therapy machines, such as their benefits and what it does to your body. Aside from that, you can get their informed opinion about the best type of device and accessories for you.

What to Do before a PEMF Therapy Session

Preparing for a PEMF therapy session is quite simple. Here’s what you have to remember: 

  1. Drink plenty of water before and after the session. It will help detoxify your body. 
  2. It does not matter if you eat or not eat before and after a treatment
  3. Remove metal jewelry prior to the PEMF therapy session.
  4. You don’t have to remove any pieces of clothing for the session because PEMF therapy works through fabric, and it is non-invasive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there people who can’t undergo PEMF therapy?

Yes. People who have a pacemaker or any electronic device implanted to their body that they can’t remove for the session can’t have PEMF therapy. This is to avoid complications during the process. PEMF therapy is also not advisable for pregnant women and those who have a history of seizures.

How long will the PEMF therapy sessions last?

Usually, a PEMF therapy session lasts for at least an hour. Within such a short period of time, you can fully experience its benefits.

Is there a limit on the sessions I can receive? 

The number of PEMF therapy sessions required for you to achieve wellness or improve your health condition will depend on the assessment of a healthcare professional. However, you can regularly use low-intensity PEMF therapy machines to maintain optimal health.

Does PEMF therapy hurt?

Most people stay away from medical procedures because they are afraid that they will hurt. But PEMF therapy sessions are gentle to your body, so may only feel a slight tingling sensation or warmth in certain areas of the body where you may have had an injury or an area of pain. All clients using the iMRS say that they feel relaxed during the process. It is not uncommon for someone to fall asleep in a session.

Do I need a doctor or a healthcare professional in every session?

Unless you are using PEMF therapy machines with excessively high intensities, you can go through the session yourself. Just make sure to follow the instructions given to you by the provider.

What will I feel after the session?

Most people feel energised and refreshed after the session after being in a state of relaxation during the PEMF therapy. Our unique PEMF machines also include far infrared heat which everyone enjoys. Also, brain entrainment goggles and music which helps the mind relax.

Take Care of Your Health Today! Choose PEMF.inc!

PEMF.inc brings wellness closer to you as we offer PEMF therapy in Sydney. You can rent or buy our machines whenever you need themOur devices can help you promote overall wellness. Plus, we don’t just offer one type of PEMF therapy machine. Go to our product page and check our offers. You may also call us on 0414644120, so we can provide you with personalised assistance.