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Get Better Sleep with These Healthy Habits and a PEMF Mat

After a long and exhausting day, we all want a relaxing good night’s sleep. But have you ever been in a situation when you feel so tired but can’t seem to sleep at all? You’ve already counted sheep, drank milk, and used all your remaining energy, but nothing seems to work.

What could you have done wrong? And which aspect of your lifestyle should you change Can a PEMF mat help you with it? Read this blog as we provide various ways to help you sleep comfortably every night.

1. Be Consistent with Your Sleeping Schedule

If you’re not used to sleeping and waking up early, it will be difficult to fall into a deep sleep once you try doing so. That is why it is essential to have a consistent sleep-wake pattern.

If you can, try sleeping and waking up at the same time until your body gets used to it. Then, you can eventually have a healthy sleeping pattern. You may want to rent or buy a PEMF mat to help regulate your sleep cycle

According to experts, the best time for adults to sleep is between 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm, 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm for children, and 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm for teens. These recommendations are adjusted based on an adult’s work or a student’s school schedule.

Regardless, you must create a consistent schedule that gives you 7-8 hours of sleep and follow it religiously, even on weekdays.

2. Don’t Eat Late at Night

According to a study entitled Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality, Advances in Nutrition, eating late at night may cause sleep disruption. When you have a heavy meal in the middle of the night, there will be an increase in your metabolic activity, which requires energy. Therefore, it will become harder for you to sleep, potentially disrupting your sleep-wake patterns.

Here are other commonly cited reasons why eating late at night is not good for you:

  • Experts have linked late-night eating or consuming excess calories in the evening to weight gain and obesity.
  • There is a risk of acid reflux, especially when you lie down immediately after eating dinner or snacks.
  • It may disrupt your circadian rhythm, affecting metabolic regulation.

While eating late in the evening has different effects for each individual, it is best to eat at the right time with the right amount of food. This way, you won’t put your body at risk of having health issues.

3. Reduce Blue Light Exposure at Night

Blue light can come from various sources, including laptops, computer screens, smartphones, tablets, fluorescent lights, television, and sunlight, which is the largest source. Exposure to a moderate amount of blue light can help humans increase their alertness, boost memory and cognitive function, help regulate circadian rhythm, and elevate mood.

But like everything else, too much exposure to blue light can harm us. It may entail risks, such as:

  •  Eye Strain: Using digital devices for long hours may cause vision problems and eye discomfort. Some individuals report experiencing eye strain symptoms, such as blurred vision, dry eyes, irritation, and headaches.
  • Develop Nearsightedness: Constant exposure to blue light may cause nearsightedness in children. That is why it is important to lessen their screen time and keep them from using their devices for at least 30 minutes before bed.
  • Retina Damage: Blue light can penetrate our retina, causing damage to the retinal cells and vision problems.

Aside from its effects on our eyes, blue light can also affect our sleep. It may decrease our body’s natural ability to release melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate our circadian rhythms and puts us to sleep. With too much blue light, one can have trouble sleeping, reduced alertness for the next day, or a night of interrupted sleep.

Some ways to help reduce exposure to blue light and get a good night’s sleep are as follows:

  •  Avoid scrolling through your phones or computer and watching the television before bed.
  • Turn off any sources of blue light at night.
  • Wear blue light-blocking glasses.
  • Apply screen filters or shades on your computer screen
  • Install a smartphone application that can block blue light.

Additionally, using a PEMF mat for sale helps relax muscles and reduce stress, ultimately enhancing sleep quality.

4. Don’t Consume Caffeine in the Afternoon

Most adults drink coffee to kickstart their day, as it can increase physical energy, focus, and mental alertness. But what could happen if you consume a substantial amount of caffeine, especially in the afternoon?

One can feel the short-term effects of caffeine five to thirty minutes after drinking. However, it can last for hours, especially for people who are sensitive to this type of beverage. Because caffeine stimulates your nervous system and increases brain activity, you may have difficulties relaxing at night.

You can have decaffeinated coffee if you’re craving one late in the day, though.

You may also want to take note of these signs telling you that you have too much caffeine intake:

  • rise in body temperature
  • dehydration
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • palpitations
  • irritability
  • trembling hands
  • anxiety

So, don’t wait for any of these symptoms to worsen. If you notice some signs, it’s best to start limiting your caffeine intake. Also, remember that your caffeine boost doesn’t only come from coffee. Beverages like tea, soda, and energy drinks also contain caffeine.

5. Avoid Sleeping During the Daytime

Sure, you can take short power naps during the day. Doing so can improve memory and reduce fatigue throughout the day. However, you must also note that power naps should only be 15 – 45 minutes long because napping for an extended period when the sun is up may upset your circadian rhythm

Despite that, some people are used to taking naps during the daytime. Studies show that doing this regularly won’t affect your sleep quality at night since your body has already followed the pattern.

6. Clean Up and Optimise Your Bedroom

Sometimes, the problem that you’re trying to fix is just right in front of you. Try to assess the environment you’re sleeping in and see if it is optimal for sleeping. Make your bedroom relaxing, comfortable, and quiet by doing these things:

  • Adjust the temperature to what feels more comfortable for you.
  • Reduce external and artificial lights.
  • It’s a bad idea to make your bedroom an office space—reminders of work won’t help you relax and unwind. Instead, you’ll just think about what you need to do the next day. So, stay away from everything that reminds you of work.
  • Clean up and clear out the clutter. Having the proper storage for your stuff will significantly help.
  • Turn the lights, TV, and smartphones off
  • Use an air humidifier or diffuser.
  • Make sure your bed is soft and cozy.
  • Consider using a PEMF mat to enhance relaxation and improve sleep quality.

7. Take a Relaxing Shower

Lowering your core temperature will help you sleep faster. And that’s what a relaxing shower can do. Having a warm bath or shower one or two hours before bed will make you feel fresh and fall asleep faster

According to a published paper from the National Library of Medicine entitled Bathing before Sleep in the Young and in the Elderly, bathing before sleep can help enhance an individual’s quality of sleep, especially for the elderly

You Deserve a Good Night’s Sleep!

Whether you are just relaxing at home or have had a long day at school or work, you deserve a good night’s sleep. And if something hinders you from achieving this, address the issue before it’s too late. After reading this guide, we hope you’ll get the rest you’ve always wanted by following these tips and getting a PEMF mat.

Call us at 0414644120 (Australia) or +61-414644120 (international) to learn more about our PEMF therapy devices and how they can help you get a good night’s sleep.